Musician First, Saxophonist Second is a popular mindset amongst the smart-set. “Pshaw!” I say. My heart belongs to the saxophone. Be honest—doesn’t yours? Honouring Your Intuition There is a reason you are not a tubist. Or a banjoist. What was your first instrument? Surely it was the voice, widely considered the greatest instrument of all. […]
One Nation Under A Groove
Serious Teacher: “I’m afraid I can’t teach you next week; I’ll be cancelling your lesson.” Students Gasps: “What?” Very Serious Teacher: “I am a member of NASA and I’ll be going to a conference.” Confused and Surprised Student: “You are?” Very, Very Serious Teacher Turns To Lock Eyes on Student: “Yes. I belong to the […]
Hold On
Shhhhhhh!!!!!!! Too loud. Quieter, please. Do you know how to play softly? As in piano, pianissimo, pianississimo? Being able to play at a piano dynamic is molto importante. Of course, it’s the spectrum of dynamic possibility that makes music so exciting. The instrument named for its ability to express the entire range, the piano, of […]
Willem Moolenbeek
He was wearing jeans and a red shirt when we first met. I was a little nervous but he seemed friendly. After the usual pleasantries, my Mom, who had accompanied me into the Music Centre, left the building. We got set up in a Wenger practice cubicle and it began: My Very First Saxophone Lesson. […]
Every Breath You Take
Vigilant Teacher: “I’ll be watching you.” Nervously-Smiling Student: “Um, creepy?” Friendly-but-Firm Teacher: “Creepy? No. Intense? Maybe. But this is the only way I can ensure you have stopped inhaling through your nose. Unless you want to try the clothes peg again.” Wide-Eyed Student Jumps In: “No, no. No way. Even with that thin cloth covering […]
As Time Goes By
“What a waste of space.” Startled Student Stops Playing: “Are you talking about me?” Wise Teacher: “Grasshopper, it is never about YOU. It is about what you DO. Or what you are not doing, in this case. Slightly Defensive Student: “Not doing? Everything was correct: notes, rhythm, articulation, dynamics. I was playing correctly.” Teacher Nods […]