“What a waste of space.” Startled Student Stops Playing: “Are you talking about me?” Wise Teacher: “Grasshopper, it is never about YOU. It is about what you DO. Or what you are not doing, in this case. Slightly Defensive Student: “Not doing? Everything was correct: notes, rhythm, articulation, dynamics. I was playing correctly.” Teacher Nods […]
Learning To Fly
Teacher asks: “How long have you been studying with me?” Student answers: “About four years.” Teacher nods: “OK. At this point, do you think we are on the same page? Do we think alike when it comes to music?” Doubtful Student: “Sure. I guess so. No. Yes. Maybe. How should I know?” Teacher stares. Students […]
Smooth Operator
Not too many saxophonists live in the rain forest. You can imagine why: sticky pads and nowhere to buy reeds. Even if Long & McQuade were to set up shop, the moisture in the air would still be a problem. For your pads, of course. Your complexion, on the other hand, would rejoice in all […]
Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow
Congratulations Ms First Year Saxophone Performance Major! (And a big shout-out to the ladies in their second, third and fourth years of their undergraduate degrees, first and second year masters students, and all those long-suffering heroes who are completing doctorates and the Certificat d’aptitude.) As this new adventure begins you may be feeling excited and […]
Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
Ballpoint pens: essential or obsolete? In the olden days they were everywhere: at the dentist’s office, the automobile repair shop, heck, they even had a box at the reception desk of your hotel. Yes—je suis désolé—my travelling style is more Holiday Inn than George V. (Perhaps, instead of pens, they provide their worthy patrons with […]
Climb Every Mountain
One way of becoming a great saxophonist is to avoid playing the saxophone. Put the instrument back in the case and do something else. Challenge yourself by choosing an activity that makes you grimace and grin at the same time. Incredulous Student: “Seriously?! Become a better player by not practising? Now that is the kind […]