Musician First, Saxophonist Second is a popular mindset amongst the smart-set. “Pshaw!” I say. My heart belongs to the saxophone. Be honest—doesn’t yours? Honouring Your Intuition There is a reason you are not a tubist. Or a banjoist. What was your first instrument? Surely it was the voice, widely considered the greatest instrument of all. […]
Learning To Fly
Teacher asks: “How long have you been studying with me?” Student answers: “About four years.” Teacher nods: “OK. At this point, do you think we are on the same page? Do we think alike when it comes to music?” Doubtful Student: “Sure. I guess so. No. Yes. Maybe. How should I know?” Teacher stares. Students […]
Climb Every Mountain
One way of becoming a great saxophonist is to avoid playing the saxophone. Put the instrument back in the case and do something else. Challenge yourself by choosing an activity that makes you grimace and grin at the same time. Incredulous Student: “Seriously?! Become a better player by not practising? Now that is the kind […]