And now…drum roll please…some tips from my GREATEST STUDENTS! I’m talking la crème de la crème, a small pool of high achievers who consistently amazed me with their exceptional abilities. Their skills were so good, so consistently solid, I was left slightly in awe. Now, none of these students were practice maniacs. Far from it. […]
Good Vibrations
Generally speaking, I agree with Leonardo da Vinci that, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” But sometimes a note just needs a little something-something, that je ne said quoi to highlight its function in the musical line. Love it or loathe it, vibrato is often the tool for the job. Interested Student: “What is vibrato?” Teacher […]
With A Little Help From My Friends
Ned Flanders: “Hi-Diddly-Ho-Ho-Homer! Was that Lisa practising last night? Golly gee whilikers, it sounded amazing!” Homer Simpson: “Saxamaphone— saxamaphone— that’s all I hear these days. And now Lisa wants to attend the NASA 2023 Biennial Conference.” NF: “Well, what’s wrong with that, neighbour? A little fellowship is good for the soul.” HS: “If that’s how […]
Higher Ground
Lusting for new tips that make playing the saxophone easier? I am. I always am! Whose teaching day isn’t improved with a couple of new tricks to test out on your students? Basic Concepts and Strategies for the Developing Saxophonist by Frank Bongiorno, published in 2022, is available in both paperback (in the $30 USD […]
William Street
Art has the provinces in its blood. Art is provincial in principle, preserving for itself a naive, external, astonished, and envious outlook. Andrei Sinyavsky, In Gogol’s Shadow “The final round of the competition is in Edmonton.” I said. “Then you should get in touch with my saxophone professor.” said Andriy. Thus began my western odyssey […]
Why are classical and jazz musicians so different from one another? I know what you’re thinking: Uptight classical musicians are congenitally unable to swear or cuss. So true! But there’s something else. Let’s call it division of labour. Having been around a bit longer, the classical tradition has established some basic tenets, one being that […]