Teacher: “OK, let’s get Intermediate Studies for Developing Artists on the Saxophone by Shelley Jagow up on the stand.” Student: “The blue one with the sax on the cover?” Affirmative Teacher: “That’s the one. You picked three tunes for today, correct?” Sweet Student: “Yes. Can we start with Morris Dance?” Shocked Teacher: “Absolutely not! Look […]
Bobbi Thompson
Sound the trumpets saxophones: Now presenting the Queen of saxophone professors, Her Royal Majesty, Bobbi Thompson! Presiding over her subjects—saxophone majors—with an aura of competence and kindness, this beloved teacher leads the largest saxophone studio in Canada at the Don Wright Faculty of Music at Western University. Friends, Romans, countrymen: She owns this role, going […]
You’ve Got A Friend
Former Teacher takes a sip of coffee: “So you’re teaching saxophone lessons.” Former Student grins: “100%” Quizzical Teacher asks: “I wonder, do you know exactly when the word yes was changed to 100%?” Puzzled Student: “Whaaa?” Bemused Teacher: “Forget it. Or, um, no worries.” Teacher shifts position: “Now, how many degrees have you acquired?” Serious […]
Walking on Sunshine
There was a time in my twenties when each and every day started with a ten kilometre run. Yup, you guessed it, I was underemployed. But I was physically fit and happy as a fiddle. With that kind of start, nothing could wreck my day. Well, those times are over. And I couldn’t be more […]
What Games Shall We Play Today?
Saxophone instruction is not light work. One has to believe and believe BIG. Helping someone discover just how much mettle they possess is a feeling that I can only describe as tout à fait incroyable. I recently received a little note: “…Thank you for turning saxophone into a hobby instead of a chore for me […]
Charles Stolte
True Confessions It was my first quartet rehearsal. I was already in the room when he arrived. Messy blond curls, worn-down Birkenstocks, crinkly eyes, warm smile. Introductions followed and I could tell he was the real deal. I was completely at ease; it was like I had known him my entire life. From that point […]